Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Trah Martowirono Around The Globe

Oleh :Bambang Haryanto

Dunia Blog Yang Ajaib. Blog Trah Martowirono ini ternyata juga menarik perhatian warga dari sisi lain bola dunia. Terbukti saat saya menerima email menarik di bawah ini.

Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2007 13:07:31 +0700 (ICT)
From: "armand martowirono"
Subject: wie ben je /who are you ?
To: humorliner@yahoo.com

Ik versta geen bal van je site. Mijn overleden oma Njie Saerah komt uit Indonesie en is door die bakra's in Suriname te werk gesteld.

Ze had twee zonen Ponimin en Poniman, die inmiddels ook al zijn overleden. Maar enfin ik zit in nw york en mijn gezin zit in suriname.

Terjemahan :

Saya baru saja mengunjungi situs Anda. Nenek saya yang telah meninggal dunia namanya Njie Saerah dari Indonesia dan bekerja di Suriname.
Ia memiliki dua putra, Ponimin dan Poniman, yang keduanya telah wafat. Tetapi saya anaknya tinggal di New York dan keluarga saya tinggal di Suriname.

Balasan saya :

Dear Armand,

Thank you for your surprising email and interesting story, from Suriname or New York ? For me, it’s very nice to find someone from another side of globe with the name who identical with my grandfather’s name : Martowirono. In recent family reunion (called : Trah Martowirono), held in Polokarto, Sukoharjo, Mid-Java (October 15,2007), I asked our senior member about the past life of my grandfather. They said, our ancestor just lived and died in Kedunggudel, Sukoharjo, Mid-Java. Even my grand-grand fathers never going abroad or live over there.

So, excuse me, Armand. I think there’s no relationship or kinship relation between us, even we proud as a member of the big family of Martowirono. But Armand, I hope in the future we still in touch, maybe erecting a new “global kinship” or “virtual kinship” between our big family, span from New York-Suriname and Mid-Java, Indonesia, under Martowirono’s flag name. OK ? Thank you.

See you in next occasion.

Sincerelly yours,

Bambang Haryanto
Blog : Komedikus Erektus : http://komedian.blogspot.com
Blog Esai Epistoholica : http://esaiei.blogspot.com
Blog Trah Martowirono : http://trah.blogspot.com

PS : In attachment you can see our commemorated pins for Trah Martowirono’s Big Family Reunion 2007 held in Polokarto. You can see the picture of my grandmother, the late Mrs. Jiah Martowirono.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Reuni Trah Martowirono XXI : Polokarto,15 Oktober 2007

Oleh :Bambang Haryanto

Pin-pin Bersejarah.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket